Celestine was suppose to be undergoing a BIOPSY procedure today at the Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi. I swear I've been on the phone for about 20 hours in total in the las 48 to medical staff in Kenya!!!! But it's all been worth it. Not surprisingly, after a blood test was done, it was found that Celestine is anaemic. I'm surprised that is as bad as it is considering she has a tumor growing from her mouth. As a result, she will be having a blood transfusion this evening.
Once the surgical team looked at the tumor closely, it was determined that an incisional biopsy would be impossible to perform - and therefore, it has been decided that the ENTIRE TUMOR will be removed TOMORROW! I didn't belive this could be done in Kenya, but apparently I was wrong. I should have more faith in the doctors there. Dr. Chindia, a professor at Nairobi University for Maxillofacial Surgery students will be performing the procedure himself. We have agreed that I will call him tomorrow at 5pm local time to hear how the surgery went. After the tumor has been removed, it will be examined in order to determine what caused it's growth in the first place. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it is not from a cancerous origin. I was really worried that this procedure would kill all of our project funding since MERCY Ships had agreed to do it for free, but it turns out after speaking to the Medical Director, that they can AND are willing to do the surgery under the Kenyan Welfare Program which exists for people in such circumstances!!! This doesn't mean that we don't need any funding - we definetely still do - because all of the costs incurred between doctor visits etc. are really starting to add up. So we are definetely still welcoming assistance with open arms. Not to mention that Celestine is in critical need of a new home which I will personally make sure happens while I am back in Kenya next month.
I want to thank the team at Aga Khan Nairobi University hospital, especially JOHN in Admissions, Professor of Maxillofacial surgeries (Nairobi University) DR. CHINDIA who will perform the surgery, as well as DR. DIVANI who has been very helpful via email and who is also a Professor and Surgeon in this field. As well, I'd like to thank the chief medical director of the hospital, DR. JOHN TOLE for assisting us with regards to the Welfare Funding Program. Without all of you, none of this would be happening tomorrow.
Lastly, but certainly not least, I want to thank my dear friend HABAH from Bungoma for accompanying Celestine throughout this journey, waiting patiently in hospital for hours upon hours, and making sure that every step of this process has gone smoothly. THANK YOU HABAH!
If there was a tool for inserting the sound of me screaming with joy right now, I would insert it now!
Amanda :)

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